How can EHRs contribute to risk management in Schools?

How can EHRs contribute to risk management in Schools? Risk management is one of the most crucial aspects of ensuring the safety and well-being of students, staff, and visitors in schools. Right from natural disasters to accidents to emergencies, there are various risk factors that schools must be prepared for…

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school healthcare technologies

How technological advancement improves student health care

  How technological advancement improves student health care Technology has a massive impact on how healthcare is delivered. Right from the smart devices we wear to machines used in hospitals to aid in critical surgeries, technology has made massive strides in simplifying and improving the efficiency of care. Technology has…

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Benefits of cloud-based EHR

Benefits of cloud-based EHR Health records contain sensitive information, and the security, confidentiality, and integrity of the data are of utmost priority. Keeping medical records in paper files poses a threat to this and is a challenge to the management. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) make the storage, management, and maintenance…

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How EHRs Can Help Prevent Medical Errors

How EHRs can help prevent medical errors Medical errors are a cause of concern for most health care professionals. Medical professionals know that mistakes happen, and one needs to take corrective measures to ensure accuracy in all aspects of patient care.   EHRs not just help document and provide better…

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    NATIONAL SCHOOL NURSE DAY – MAY 11, 2022     “It’s All About Appreciating Them, Our Schools’ Healthcare Heroes.”  National School Nurse week from May 6th to 12th is celebrated to appreciate school nurses for their contributions and services. They take care of children at school, and advocate for…

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Hearing loss in students, and how can school nurses help?

  Hearing loss in students, and how can school nurses help? Hearing loss can have a severe impact on a child. Students who are deaf have stressful, isolated, and difficult experiences. Educating kids with hearing impairments requires more than just standard communication strategies. Even with today’s advantages of early detection…

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How can a School Nurse support your diabetic child?

How can a School Nurse support your diabetic child? Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in children. Parents and schools have the same goal: to guarantee that students with diabetes are safe and able to learn in a supportive environment. Because most kids spend a significant portion…

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