Supporting Global Health Initiatives in Education

EduHealth Beyond Borders EduHealth Beyond Borders: Supporting Global Health Initiatives in Education ‘EduHealth is more than just a software platform; it’s a catalyst for change in global health initiatives within education.’ As a leading school nurse software tailored for school environments, EduHealth offers a unique opportunity to address health disparities…

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Automating SHARRS report creation

What is SHARRS? SHARRS is a secure, web-based system that allows educational institutions in Pennsylvania to electronically submit their “Request for Reimbursement and Report of School Health Services. SHARRS reporting is required for all public-school districts, private schools, charter schools, and comprehensive career and technology centers in Pennsylvania. The SHARRS…

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Complete guide to PowerSchool (SIS)- EduHealth integration

Complete guide to PowerSchool (SIS)- EduHealth integration Advanced School Information Systems (SIS) like PowerSchool and Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems such as EduHealth have revolutionized administrative processes in educational institutions. Integrating PowerSchool with EduHealth unlocks a myriad of benefits, simplifying administrative tasks, saving time, reducing costs, and enhancing student care.…

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Tips for your kid’s health check this school year

Ensuring Your Child’s Health A Comprehensive Guide for Back-to-School Checkups As the new school has started, safeguarding your child’s well-being becomes paramount. In a world where health concerns loom large, it’s imperative to proactively equip your child for the exciting journey ahead. Discover essential tips and expert guidance for parents to ensure…

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Back to school checklist for school nurses

Back to school checklist for school nurses School nurses play a crucial role in maintaining the well-being of students. They actively collaborate with school staff, parents, doctors, and the school administration to ensure student health priorities are taken care of. However, when a new school year starts, the first day…

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How chartered schools benefit from EHR software: integration & challenges

  How Chartered Schools Benefit from EHR Software: Integration & Challenges In today’s digital age, integrating Electronic Health Records (EHR) software in chartered schools offers numerous benefits for school nurses, healthcare professionals, and parents. EHR integration in chartered schools facilitates seamless communication, collaboration, and data sharing, resulting in improved student…

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