Five ways in which a school nurse benefits the school

  School nurses play an integral role in helping students maintain physical and mental wellbeing during their schooling years and beyond. For children in most communities, school nurses serve as the only healthcare professional the child will ever know. This is evidence of the importance of their role with respect to student and community health, providing comprehensive health services to children and youth.   So, how does a school nurse benefit the school?  After the child’s home, schools represent the second most influential environment in a child’s life. And the school nurse is the healthcare representative on the site. An understanding of a school nurse’s role is important in understanding the many benefits of having them in a schooling environment. School nurses help children learn about health, identify health risks and illnesses, address physical and emotional issues, administer medications safely, verify immunizations and more.  School nurses provide leadership for the provision of health services and beyond in a school setting helping keep the community a healthy and safe place for children.